Thursday, April 12, 2007

Quotes from Sailor Moon in the Sailor Moon manga series by Naoko Takeuchi

"Owwwuch! What did I step on? Oh, my god! It was a cat. I'm so sorry, little kitty. Are you hurt? What a cutie! Why are you shaking? Are you hurt? Not because I stepped on you, I hope. You're soooo adorable! Please forgive me. mmmm... (kiss) OWWW! Stop!! Hey! Don't scratch me, kitty"-Bunny/Sailor Moon, pages 3-4 of Sailor Moon book #1
"Sailor V's got it made. She doesn't have to study... All she does is round up the bad guys. Rats!"-Bunny/Sailor Moon, page 14 of Sailor Moon book #1
"Come on, die already!"-Bunny/Sailor Moon, page 14 of Sailor Moon book #1
"Wow All that crying wore me out."-Bunny/Sailor Moon, page 20 of Sailor Moon book #1
"I wish Mom didn't get so angry at me."-Bunny/Sailor Moon, page 20 of Sailor Moon book #1
"Hm? I'm dreaming... about video games?! Oh, wow, I'm Sailor V. All right! I gotcha! Take that! It's the arcade guy I saved the cat's life. That crescent moon bald-spotted cat..."-Bunny/Sailor Moon, pages 20-21 of Sailor Moon book #1
"Ahhh... What a lovely dream How refreshing And I met a gorgeous guy... ... sigh It seems that it a dream. sob."-Bunny/Sailor Moon, pages 40-41 of Sailor Moon book #1
"My name's Bunny. I'm 14 an in 8th Grade. I love eating, sleeping, and relaxing. I guess I cry easily, but I'm a regualar, cute girl! At least I was ... Because of this talking cat Luna, I became a Champion of Justice. Oooooh! How annoying!"-Bunny/Sailor Moon, pages 45-46 of Sailor Moon book #1
"Wow... a princess! (heart) I wanna eat Pringles (tiny heart)"-Bunny/Sailor Moon, page 47 of Sailor Moon book #1
"Come on, you cheap machine! If you kick it, extra prizes come out. Come on!"-Bunny/Sailor Moon, page 56 of Sailor Moon book #1
"Maybe I should go study... Wait. Me? Uh, no thanks... I'll pass."-Bunny/Sailor Moon, pages 59-60 of Sailor Moon book #1
"Melvin where'd you come from?! (sweatdrop)"-Bunny/Sailor Moon page 87 of Sailor Moon book #1
"My name's Bunny. I'm Sailor Moon, Champion of Justice. But being a Champion of Justice isn't so easy... I've got a whole slew of orders. First, I have to get rid of these really annoying enemies (they're not even human!)... Second, I have to find out who my fellow Scouts are... Third, I have to search for the mysterious "Silver Imperium Crystal" (whatever that is)... Finally, Luna told us to find our princess and protect her... Here are my two buds... Amy's the smartest girl at our school. She's also SAILOR MERCURY! And Raye is a beautiful priestess with a temper. She's SAILOR MARS! They're my fellow Sailor Scouts!"-Bunny/Sailor Moon, pages 122-123 & 125-126 of Sailor Moon book #1
"...ahh... This feels... like something from... a long time ago... somewhere... soft lips... warm arms... many, many times... sweet kisses..."- pages 156-157 of Sailor Moon book #1
"Where am I...? I think I'm... Bunny...aren't I? Someone's calling me... But this fog... I can't see! Who is it?"-Bunny/Sailor Moon, page 161 of Sailor Moon book #1
"Leader of the four scouts... Us four scouts, together... Amy is the brain of our bunch... a girl genius with a 300 IQ! She's Sailor Mercury. Raye, a.k.a. Sailor Mars, can control fire and use ESP! She's a beautiful priestess with a temper. Next... Lita has mystical powers over thunder and lightning. She's Sailor Jupiter, the athlete of the bunch. And then there's me... their leader, Sailor Moon. We're here to beat the enemy ... and find the Princess and the Silver Imperium Crystal!!"-Bunny/Sailor Moon, pages 7-9 of Sailor Moon book #2
"Tuxedo Mask... He knows??...that I'm Sailor Moon?! How could he possibly know...!? His eyes... all-knowing strangely familiar, I feel myself drawn..."- pages 33-35 of Sailor Moon book #2
"Ahh... It's all over now. I feel strengthened... by a warm touch... I feel myself getting better. That touch... I know it from long, long ago..."- page 41 of Sailor Moon book #2
"Darien Shields... I remember now... ...that deep voice... that tuxedo... that bow-tie... How come... ...I never noticed before...? Those deep blue eyes... Tuxedo Mask?!"-Bunny/Sailor Moon, pages 47-49 of Sailor Moon book #2
"Warning... in my sub-concious... But it's already... ...too late He share our secret. Can I trust him?... What should I do...? I feel so nervous... But... I wish... we could stay like this forever..."-Bunny/Sailor Moon, pages 55-56 of Sailor Moon book #2
"Special powers? Me...? I mean I healed everyone, but that was only because of Luna's wand. Plus, Tuxedo Mask was there... He helped me use my powers. I guess I should tell them... That Tuxedo Mask is really Darien Shields. And that... He knows I'm Sailor Moon. I've gotta tell them... But... If I tell them, they'll be shocked... And Luna will get mad at me... They won't let me see him again... I don't know why, but when I think of him.. it's like my heart aches. I have to Hide the way I feel... For a little longer..."-Bunny/Sailor Moon, pages 71-73 of Sailor Moon book #2
"Who the...?! No way... That silhouette... It couldn't be... But I just know it... I felt it... inside me like a shockwave... The phantom Champion of Justice, Sailor V?!"-Bunny/Sailor Moon, pages 88-89 of Sailor Moon book #2
"Tuxedo Mask's broken watch... It's running backwards... Time in reverse... Memories engraved in the past... the sad past... It's coming back to me... I remember... Tuxedo Mask... My beloved... Endymion... The memories come flooding back to me... That deep blue planet... The same blue as your eyes... That blue planet of hope and possiblities... I used to love watching it from the moon... The blue planet... The Earth..."-Sailor Moon/Princess Serenity, pages 142-143 & 146-147 of Sailor Moon book #2
"I remember the happiness before we were reborn... When Earth was still one country, and the Moon had it's kingdom... But in the end, the Earth and the Moon warred... And that happy time... Crumbled to ashes..."-Sailor Moon/Princess Serenity, pages 165-166 of Sailor Moon book #2
"I wonder... Is the real me Bunny... Or is it Sailor Moon...?"-Bunny/Sailor Moon, page 110 of Sailor Moon book #2
"I still can't believe it... My crystallized tear... Is the Silver Imperium Crystal... Its light flashed so brightly... but now it's just like a piece of glass... It's still a bit warm... Like his... hands..."-Sailor Moon/Princess Serenity, page 168 of Sailor Moon book #2
"I am... the last heir to the throne of the Silver Millenium, Princess Serenity..."- page 178 of Sailor Moon book #2
""- page 13 of Sailor Moon book #3
"The resonant sound you don't get on the Moon... The wide sea... The green wind... We weren't just watching the Earth. We dreamt of this planet, yearned for it. We cared for it."-Sailor Moon/Princess Serenity, page 33 of Sailor Moon book #3
""- page 68 of Sailor Moon book #3
""- pages 78-79 of Sailor Moon book #3
"Why can't I return him to normal?! I have to defeat Queen Metallia's power... but to do that, I need to get the light of the Imperium Crystal back from him... The Prince was revived by Queen Metallia's power... He's not the same person! Do I have to fight him?! Do I have to kill him?! Is there no choice...? I can't stand... to see him like this anymore... Is this the only way? Is this... the reason we were reborn...? Darien..."-Sailor Moon/Princess Serenity, pages 132-138 of Sailor Moon book #3 (I had to add the "was"....)
"Endymion... You are my first love... my only love... Even if we are reborn in another life, we'll find each other... and then... we'll fall in love again..."-Sailor Moon/Princess Serenity, page 140 of Sailor Moon book #3
"Endymion... We'll transcend time... to live again, perhaps this time... We'll find happiness..."-Sailor Moon/Princess Serenity, page 142 of Sailor Moon book #3
"Endymion... So warm... When I'm with you...It feels like my heart is transparent... I feel my power growing... I wish I could stay like this forever..."-Sailor Moon/Princess Serenity, page 166 of Sailor Moon book #3
"Endymion... This time... We'll be born on the same planet... and we'll find happiness. My Silver Imperium Crystal, I beg of you... help me find him... I'll hold you to my breast... We'll protect you together... This time we'll find happiness..."-Sailor Moon/Princess Serenity, page 169 of Sailor Moon book #3
"Queen Metallia!! You are the one who's gonna turn to dust!! I, Sailor Moon, Princess Serenity... With the power of the Moon... WILL SEAL YOU AWAY!!"-Sailor Moon/Princess Serenity, pages 181-183 of Sailor Moon book #3
"Darien... I can see.. through his touch... visions of this planet... Endymion, this is your power, isn't it? The power of Earth!"-Sailor Moon/Princess Serenity, page 31 of Sailor Moon book #4
"I have a mom and dad waiting for me at home... I may be Serenity... But I'm also just plain Bunny... My place is on Earth... where Darien is."-Sailor Moon/Princess Serenity, page 35 of Sailor Moon book #4
""- page 131 of Sailor Moon book #5
"I can't use my power... Because my heart was confused....? I felt threatened every time Darien favored Rini. I had no confidence. I forgot how to trust. Is that why I couldn't use my power?"- pages 32-33 of Sailor Moon book #6
"I am.. The future Neo-Queen Serenity. I will protect the Earth... I will protect my friends. I'm not alone... You have to believe in your own power Bunny."- pages 34-35 of Sailor Moon book #6
"If you hadn't accepted those twisted ideas... If you hadn't sided with evil... Then there would be no war. Everyone would live in peace."-Bunny/Sailor Moon, page 88 of Sailor Moon book #6
"That's not the way to love. Wake up, Rini...! I can see... myself jealous at Rini... wanting to make Darien all my own... I understand... you love him so much... You're confused. Rini...! We're all clumbsy that way. But we really care for you... we need you..."-Bunny/Sailor Moon, pages 154-155 of Sailor Moon book #6 ""-Bunny/Sailor Moon, pages 73-74 of Sailor Moon book #7
"Oh. That's right. The past and future self can't exist in the same time and space. I can't meet the Queen... I wanted to see her. But there's no way I cando that. Meeting my future self and talking to her... ...would change history. I want to see her... Just for a moment... Even if... The course of history... ...should change forever..."-Bunny/Sailor Moon, pages 85-87 of Sailor Moon book #7
""-Bunny/Sailor Moon, page 124 of Sailor Moon book #7
"Um, Darien, I'm sure I like that 'Bun.' It's kind of sharp. I liked Buns."-Bunny/Sailor Moon, page 120 of Sailor Moon book #7
""-Bunny/Sailor Moon, page 124 of Sailor Moon book #7
"Always... When I think I'm happy, in the next instant... I'm suddenly unsure. I somehow feel this happiness won't last."-Bunny/Sailor Moon, pages 125-126 of Sailor Moon book #7
"For a moment... ... her eyes turned so cold and dark, like they could stab right through you. It gave me the shivers. Could she enemy?!"-Bunny/Sailor Moon, page 170 of Sailor Moon book #7
"Wait! Sailor Uranus! You're uranus, aren't you, Haruka? You both smell like the wind."-Bunny/Sailor Moon, pages 128-129 of Sailor Moon book #8
"Always... Everyone shows me the light and leads the way... Whenever I feel crushed, I always remember... I have that light in my heart. It's everyone's hearts joined as one. I just have to believe that in one moment that light will shine forth."-Bunny/Super Sailor Moon, page 180 of Sailor Moon book #9
"I am... Super Sailor Moon! I glow with the power that everyone gave me! I will be the light to pierce this night! I won't lose to any darkness or illusion!"-Bunny/Super Sailor Moon, page 181 of Sailor Moon book #9
"Just now I had a dream. You asked me what my dream was, and then I woke up. My dream. To protect this star so everyone can be happy. Together with you, Darien. What's your dream?"-Bunny/Super Sailor Moon, page 78 of Sailor Moon SuperS #3
"You can't take power! Power is created. And power cannot be created alone... ...nor can it be used alone! I'll show you what our power is made of!!"- pages 76-77 of Sailor Moon SuperS #4
"If that is how it must be... Please kill me. I came to put an end to this battle. Yes... Always fight until the battle's over. That is the destiny of a Sailor Scout. That is the wish of a Sailor Scout... No matter what future awaits them."-Bunny/Eternal Sailor Moon, pages 125-127 of Sailor Moon StarS #2
"I can't fight anymore. Everybody is gone. I wasn't always... ...fighting for peace and justice. I was fighting for my friends and loved ones. But, everything is gone. I have nothing to me left. Who should I fight for now? And why?"-Bunny/Eternal Sailor Moon, pages 125-126 of Sailor Moon *StarsS* #3
""-Bunny/Eternal Sailor Moon, pages 129-130 of Sailor Moon *StarsS* #3
"There should be light and darkness, battles, hope, life and death. Happiness and sadness."-Bunny/Eternal Sailor Moon, page 132 of Sailor Moon *StarS* #3
"At the end of a battle, there is hope for the future."-Bunny/Eternal Sailor Moon, page 135 of Sailor Moon *StarS* #3
"As long as stars shine ... ... we are okay."-Bunny/Eternal Sailor Moon, page 137 of Sailor Moon *StarsS* #3
"Chaos. Queen Metallia. Death Phantom. Pharaoh 90. Nephernia. And Galaxia. Now I know... ... why you tried to obtain my power. It is the same as me wanting to be... ...with my loved ones and friends. We are all... ...lonely stars. That is why we seek each other... To be as one. One, that is how we all started. That is why... ...our lives revolve around one another..."-Bunny/Eternal Sailor Moon, pages 139-141 of Sailor Moon *StarS* #3
"No matter how tough, I want to live this life!"-Bunny/Sailor Moon, page 175 of Sailor Moon *StarsS* #3

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